Congratulation! Georgia Pierrou has been awarded the D. W. Ambridge Prize
This award is conferred upon an outstanding McGill graduate receiving a Doctoral degree in 2021-2022 in any discipline of the Physical Sciences or Engineering.
D.W Ambridge Prize

Dr. Georgia Pierrou obtained her PhD from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Xiaozhe Wang.
Georgia’s Ph.D. thesis entitled ‘Long-term Voltage Stability of Power Systems under Uncertainty: Analytical Methods and Data-driven Control’ systematically investigated the impact of uncertainty of renewable generation and electric loads on the secure operation of sustainable electric energy systems and proposed novel solutions against the occurrence of unwanted power outages in modern power grids. Georgia has made original and significant research contributions in analyzing and enhancing the voltage stability of electric power systems with high penetration of renewable energy sources. The research results were disseminated through 8 peer-reviewed high-quality papers and leading conference proceedings in the field.
Because of her research contributions and potential, Georgia received the competitive Green Talents award hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (2021) and was selected as a finalist of the Student Contest: ‘3 minutes to change the world’ organized by l'Association Québécoise de la Production d'Énergie Renouvelable (2020). In addition, she was a recipient of the McGill Stavros Niarchos Foundation Fellowship (one awardee per year at McGill), McGill Engineering Doctoral Award (2017-2021), Hellenic Scholarships Foundation Award (2019), and McGill Graduate Research Enhancement and Travel Award (2019). Throughout her PhD studies, Georgia was also active in campus and community engagement activities including teaching assistantships and invigilation positions and committed to work towards the integration of the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion by attending relevant workshops.
Georgia continues her academic research career as a Postdoctoral Researcher at ETH Zurich, Switzerland working with Prof. Gabriela Hug in ETH Power Systems Laboratory.
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