PSL News
Swiss Federal Office of Energy awards the 2025 Watt d'Or energy prize
Two projects with contributions from the Power Systems Laboratory won the Watt d'Or Award 2025! Congratulations!
Welcome: Innocent Akor
We are very happy to welcome Innocent Akor who has joined our group as a technical specialist, 50/50 appointment with IfA. We wish Innocent a good start and look forward to lots of great work together.
Welcome: Jara Späte
We are very happy to welcome Jara Späte who has joined our group as a research assistant. We wish Jara a good start and look forward to lots of great work together.
Energy Week @ ETH 2024
4. bis 8. November 2024, ETH Zürich
Welcome: Fabian Böhm
We are very happy to welcome Fabian Böhm who has joined our group as a doctoral student. We wish Fabian a good start and look forward to lots of great work together.
Congratulations! María Parajeles Herrera and Katharina Kaiser won the Top 7 and Best Presentation Award at the SEST 2024 conference.
The presentations of the papers titled “Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Large-Scale BEV Fleets' Charging Energy Needs and Flexibility” (María Parajeles Herrera, Marius Schwarz, and Gabriela Hug) and “Dynamic Grid Tariffs for Power Peak Reduction Using Reinforcement Learning” (Katharina Kaiser and Gabriela Hug) won the Top 7 and Best Presentation Award at the 2024 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST).