Francisco Escobar Prado

Francisco Escobar Prado

Francisco Escobar Prado

Lecturer at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

ETH Zürich

Professur El. Energieübertragung

ETL G 23

Physikstrasse 3

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

My research revolves around small-scale distributed energy resources (DERs) and their effects across all voltage levels. Recently, I focused on their potential to enhance the voltage stability of transmission networks. Currently, I am studying the mechanisms that might drive converter-interfaced DERs out of synchronism in large power systems, and how this loss of synchronism is related to voltage phenomena. I am also exploring voltage control schemes that coordinate the actions of transmission and distribution system operators while satisfying the operational constraints of each actor and exchanging a realistic amount of information.


02/24 — present: PhD in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Power Systems Laboratory, ETH Zurich

04/21 — 11/23: MSc in Electrical Engineering, University of Costa Rica

03/19 — 04/21: Lic in Electrical Engineering, University of Costa Rica

03/14 — 02/19: BSc in Electrical Engineering, University of Costa Rica


Since Membership
2019 IEEE Member

Course Catalogue

Spring Semester 2025

Number Unit
227-0085-61L P&S: Renewable Energies and Net-Zero Emissions Goal in Switzerland
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