Ashwin Venkatraman

Ashwin Venkatraman

Ashwin Venkatraman

Student / Programme Doctorate at D-ITET

ETH Zürich

Professur El. Energieübertragung

ETL G 24.2

Physikstrasse 3

8092 Zürich


Additional information

02/2020 - present: PhD student, Power System Laboratory

09/2017-12/2019: M.SC. in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, ETH Zurich

07/2013-05/2017: B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering, Indian Institution of Technology, Jodhpur, India

Additional information

My research focuses on the integration of Electric Vehicles into the distribution grid. Increasing penetration of EVs poses multiple challenges to the operation of the distribution grid, the most important of which is the creation of new peaks in the load profile caused by the simultaneous charging of EVs. My work looks at ways to indirectly control the charging behaviour of EV users using price signals sent to the users in the form of tariffs. I also investigate optimal bidding strategies for EV aggregators to participate in the electricity market.


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